KERRY FEARON is one of Northern Irelands most popular emerging country singers.””
Hailing from South Armagh, Kerry grew up in a household surrounded by country music. She began singing in 2015 after losing her father to Motor Neurone Disease through which he lost his voice.
In 2016 Kerry reached the final of the Irish TV country music talen show Glór Tíre. She also won the prestigious Horizon Award for most successful British and Irish newcomer.
Her eponymous EP was released in 2016 and was followed by her debut album “”Honky Tonk Girl”” in July 2018. The album includes the singles Storms Never Last and Red River Valley.
Kerry has been busy performing throughout Northern Ireland and beyond. She has shared the stage with a range of stars including Joni Harms, Will Banister, Leona Williams, Marty Haggard and, in July 2018, supported Kelly Willis on her UK tour.
Kerry hosts hosts her own TV show “”Kerry’s Gold Country”” on the Keep It Country TV Channel for which she has interviewed special guests including Marty Stuart, Charlie Worsham, Margo Price, Albert Lee, Jarrod Dickerson, Ashley Campbell, Ags Connolly and many more. She is also a radio presenter on Downtown Country in Northern Ireland. Earlier in 2018 she received a Hot Country TV award in recognition for all of her hard work.
In 2019, Kerry began working with guitarist Wayne Golden on recording a new project at his studio The Blue Room in County Tyrone. It promises to be quite different to Kerry’s earlier work, with more of an acoustic feel.
The first single to be released,Designer Watches UK ‘To Ramona’ is a lifelong favourite for Kerry. The folk waltz was written by Bob Dylan and resonated with Kerry in her teenage years. She says it has somehow become even more relevant now she is in her late 30s. Wayne’s arrangement features steel guitar from Richard Nelson, one of the organisers of the Irish Steel Guitar Festival.
Away from country music, Kerry works as a teacher.
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