“”Once in a blue moon – if you’re lucky – you might come across an exceptional talent who’s previously slipped under your radar. Someone who writes songs that sweep right into your soul and who sings them straight from the heart with a voice of pure honey. The moon must have been the brightest of blues the night I first heard Yve Mary B perform and in my forty years as a professional musician I’ve rarely had such a strong urge to be on the stage accompanying someone.”” ‘Chris Short ~ The Churchfitters
“”Yve is already making new waves with Crying. A real Gem has been unleashed. An exceptional underrated artist, and yes a true Auburn Redhead!””
Recording Crying, a masterpiece of writing by the great late Roy Orbison, came out of that intuitive light one night as Yve Mary picked on her acoustic guitar and went with it. Her exceptionally talented & gregarious life companion Tony Brook, a legend songsmith in his own right, joined in and it was like frying the perfect egg “”sunny side up””!
Within about a week and a half later they fancied their way via car & bus to a musician friends house Mr Andy Walker, guitarist of the ultrasonic The Mojo Preachers. Using Andy’s home studio they laid the track down, mostly managing the technicalities of waking up into a glorious new day! And there, it be, done, no frills, no spills of coffee, just a moment of magic displaying the air of an achieved lunch.
Then, offering a lift in his lil red micra, (baring in mind Tony is 6ft 4″” & musicians load their cars with all sorts of unattributed musical artefacts) musician friend & guitarist of the most pure & golden The Dove & BowEevil Band Mark Howes, supported their adventure by chaufferring them back to their point of homeward direction. And as director Stan Edwards of the US based Country Bear Radio station has declared: ”One of the rare female cuts on this Orbison classic that nails the emotion he had in the song”, it sure was a moment of natural flowing emotion as is usual for Yve Mary B. A smiling bubbling delight in her own right.
Acoustic guitar – Tony Brook
Sound Engineer – Andy Walker
Master Engineer – Evan Maddox, Levee Studios
Photography – Jim Barrett
Videography – Trevor Allen / Yve Mary B
Vocals – Yve Mary B
CD Design – Andy Smith
Musical Chauffeur – Mark Howes
Walk With Mary Records
With international recognition from Bluebird Cafe, Nashville, & the Southbank Centre, London to Fine City Blues, Norwich, she is undoubtedly ”one of the most naturally gifted artists we have in this county”” (Richard Shasamane, Photographer).
Almost thirty three years of studio session recording, playing live & writing self penned songs, Yve’s Norfolk musical roots have shown transatlantic magic throughout her journey to date. Yve has collaborated with a variety of worldwide artists and opened for international stars such as The Shires along with her former band members Morganway who have rightfully gained national acclaim. A wonderful talent who are going places! Notable songs in their set include Yve’s co written (producer George Nicholson) & outstanding Frozen In Our Time & Headline closer Hurricane.
As a natural progression, Yve began singing & writing with a most soulfully-nuanced Vagaband who have a new album on its way. She is grateful thatthey will represent one of heroriginals ‘Avalon’ along with some of what she believes to be their best work todate. Yve wasinvited to join forces with the unparalleled East Anglian bandat the time of release of their most recent & highly respected album Something Wicked This Way Comes (2018). MsMary sings on their track An Eye For An Eye…
”Then, thats surely Dylan circa Desire underpinningthescufflingNot My DayTo Diewhile, featuringMorganwaysYve MaryBarwoodon vocals,the bluesy AnEyeForAnEye flirtswithspaghetti western moodswith itstollingbellsanddesertparchedguitartwang,even iftheline aboutgetting back to the gardenis clearlypinched fromJonis Woodstock.” ‘folkradio.co.uk
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Listen to Yve Mary B on Bandcamp
Listen to Yve Mary B on Reverbnation
Visit guitarist Tony Brook’s website
Read about Yve Mary B on the Norwich blog