WDR Band

WDR Band is a charity band which raises money through donations for local charities and good causes.

Their name Walk Don’t Run, now shortened to WDR, derives from walking football. All the band members played for a local team and that was how they met initially. It was not uncommon to hear the coach shout out “Walk Don’t Run” at training sessions so it seemed kind of natural to call the band WDR. 

It was one of those crazy ideas from Joe Young when he asked his friend Stuart Morrison if he still had his drums that he hadn’t played for 40 years!! and if he did would he like to have a jam session with Joe. Unbelievably Stuart still had the kit (they were in a relationship loft) and would love to get together. During this discussion Drew Clarkson, another friend, chiped in with “Hey, I used to play keyboards. Can I join in too?” This was followed by Alex Todd saying “I always wanted to play bass. What do you think?” Allan Bennie chipped in with “I could play a washboard” and finally Eddie Macinally on percussion joined the initial jam session. Looking back, Joe can’t believe they ever thought that it would come to anything. But –  here they are playing a gig a month and supporting good causes.

The band in the early days practised once a week in one of the local church halls while the boys brushed up on their skills and the band formed its identity. From the onset it was always going to be a country music band, Joe is a singer-songwriter of country music and Drew a big country fan. Toddy learned to play bass guitar from scratch starting with an old acoustic bass before finally buying his electric one and amplifier. Stuart ditched his old drum kit and invested in a new set. Allan now plays tambourine as well as drone guitar. The band purchased a mixing desk and speakers as well as new mics and all the leads, stands and cables. Eddie now looks after the set up which also includes lighting rigs as well as a little bit of percussion. The band now have their own rehearsal studio which has been a great benefit.

The band will pick five or six local charities or good causes per year and any gigs played will have all donations going to the sponsored charity at the time. The band plays good old country music classics with some of their own material in the mix. 

The band decided at the start of 2022 to record an EP of four tracks of songs written by Joe. The EP was named “Never Too Old”, based on the history of the group and where the band had come from. With their ages in the late 60s and early 70s, the name seemed very appropriate.

In 2024, WDR Band released the new four-track EP “Burning Daylight” followed by the single Texas Long Road.