JOE BOB RITTER, the great nephew of the legendary fifties cowboy singer Tex Ritter, is begging the future Queen of England to call off her wedding and marry him instead.
In the song, “”A Letter To Kate””, he declares his love for Miss Middleton and insists “”that prince fella””, referring to her fiance William, isn’t right for her. “”What’s he got that I ain’t?”” asks Joe Bob.
“”Besides””, he adds, “”Katie Ritter sounds a lot better than Catherine Windsor””.
The song, Joe Bob’s first for the Crocodile label, was scheduled for release on April 1st 2011, but this was changed because “”we didn’t want people to think it was a joke,”” said Executive Producer Malcolm Ironton, adding that “”Joe Bob is seriously gutted about losing Miss Middleton and broke down several times during the recording session.””
Joe Bob Ritter’s great uncle Tex, who died in 1974, enjoyed an illustrious recording career over four decades with hits such as “”High Noon””, “”Hillbilly Heaven”” and “”Deck of Cards””. In 1965, he was inducted into the Country Music Hall Of Fame.””